Saturday 4th July 2009
Free entry
CHIPS Building, Upper Kirby Street, off Old Mill Street, New Islington, Manchester, M4 6EB
Contents May Vary are hosting ANTIFREEZE Manchester's very first art car boot fair as part of Trade City.
ANTIFREEZE is an exhibition about the high-end art market delivered within the format of low-end trade. It is the grass-roots answer to hugely commercial art fairs allowing independent and non-commercial practitioners to explore ideas of value, exchange and independence with artists and artist-led organisations responding to the physical, social, economical, geographical and literal situation.
Taking in sculpture, printing, drawing, video, performance, installation, photography and collage, Contents May Vary’s ANTIFREEZE offers extreme clowning, trespassed pictures, Nazi poster art, Kun(S)t stylings, Tranni Bingo, naff music, Regal defacement, automobiliart, a gift shop, zines, hunting women, masked men from the woods, black dogs, Kipling, turd polishing, Mainlining (Intercity), dogs in hot cars, Nail art (modern), vernacular diamonds and bread, neatly packaged in the car park of a building lifeless without art.
Manchester's first art car boot fair will be a stroll through the embodied thoughts of over 60 artists from across the UK and beyond, who through no fault of their own have been put in a place beneath and above many others in the art industry. We have given them a platform to vent their airs and graces, woes and praises, present their skills and collections, to succeed and fail, to make money and lose faith, to spend hours in traffic getting here and minutes setting up their work without our help, just so people they don't know can spend seconds judging them on it.
Featuring: 100th Monkey, AirSpace, Richard Aldred, Stephen Ashdown, Frances Blythe, Antony Clarkson, Siân Green, Naomi Lethbridge , Beth Barlow, BearSpace – Isabel Rock, Samantha Bell, Richard Birdseed and Dan Blacklodge, Black Dogs, Sophie Bower, Alice Bradshaw, Megan Broadmeadow, Camp Yellow (Mike Redmond, Faye Johnson and Lisa Handley), Elena Cassidy Smith, Mitra Memarzia and Bec Garland, Cheap Magazine, Ben Connell, Joe Duffy, Eagle and Feather, Exhibit X, Michael Farquhar, Sue Fox, FRUNT, Garth Gratrix, Anton Harding, Annie Harrison/Jane Lawson, Marielle Hehir, Adam Higman and Tim Sargent, Intercity Mainline, Hilary Jack, Gwen Jones, Helen Kaplinsky, Alison Kershaw, Magdalena Natalia Kwiatkowska, L-13 (Harry Adams, James Caouty, Billy Childish, James Reid), M A Longbottom, Felicity Langthorne, Alison Stockwell, Hannah Marsden, Claire Rowlands, Steven Walker and Laura Kirby, Jude Macpherson, Alexis Milne, Mirror Mirror, Liz Murphy, New Curiosity Shop, Caron Ottewell and Victoria Foster, Julia Peat, Pool Arts (Annette Ebanks, Trae England, Tess Lomas, Colin Nixon, Eddie Price, Siobhan Samuels, Nicola Smith, David Speer), Adam Renshaw, Nick Rhodes, Sophie Rogers, Chiz Turnross, Richard Shields, Lucy May Schofield, Diane Shufflebottom, Sketch City, Emily Smallwood, Jared Szpakowski, Joyce Wan, Tom Watson, Olivia Williams, Yes It Is (Anna Beam, Lora Avedian, Laura Gee, Georgina Sullivan), Yorkshire Sculptors Group (Alan Gummerson, Andrew Pert, Victoria Lucas, Rebecca Strain, Linda Thompson, Terry Hammill, Suzanne North, Barry Midgley, Lucy Hainsworth, John Adamson, Paula Chambers, Hilary Burt)
Contains some Adult Content
About Trade City:
Centered on the notion of trade pursued as a livelihood, this exhibition reflects the trading that has taken place between the artists and curators making up 13 independent, citywide, art initiatives. This alternative economy draws reference from and plays off the city's pioneering economic heritage. Through Trade City, Contemporary Art Manchester proposes an innovative approach to displaying the social transactions of contemporary art at this moment.About Contemporary Art Manchester:
The partners within CAM consortium are unified in their role to programme artists’ work, through diverse and innovative curatorial frameworks including exhibition, screening and publication formats. Current partners of CAM include twenty+3 projects, 100th Monkey, B.M.C.A, Bureau, Castlefield Gallery, Contents May Vary, Exocet, FutureEverything, Gymnasium, Interval, Islington Mill Art Academy, Harfleet and Jack, Salford Restoration Office and Rogue Project Space.
Trade City is supported by Arts Council England